
definition of community

The term community refers to everything owned, related or linked to a particular community.

On the other hand, since the advent of the European Community, the term community is also used to refer to everything that has to do with the European Community or the association of European countries.

Meanwhile, to further clarify the scope of the term, We will say that by community we mean that group or set of human beings or animals that share various elements in common such as customs, a language, values, tasks, world view, age, geographical location, social status, roles, among other issues..

Generally, a community boasts and create your own identity that it will be the one that will distinguish it from the rest of the communities and that of course will take place after convention and agreement of all its members. Traditionally, it is usually a shared goal or need that will unite and move a particular community into action.

On the other hand, With the term of community, all those activities and works that a person, group or association carry out based on the common good of a geographical area or group that, due to some question that prevents them, cannot achieve it by themselves..

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