
definition of reagent

In its most general and wide use, a reagent is that that provokes reaction.

And in Chemistry reagent is called that substance that is used with the aim of discovering the presence of another substance. One reactant or substance interacts with another at the behest of a chemical reaction, resulting in other substances that will have different properties, characteristics and formations that will be called products or products of a reaction.

Reagents are classified based on several variables, including: physical-chemical properties, reactivity in chemical reactions, and characteristics of the reagent's use. Meanwhile, the most correct classification depends on the characteristics of use indicated for the reagent in question, therefore, the reagent will be properly classified according to the use for which it was intended. The use for which a reagent is intended is easy to discover, since it is normally indicated on the reagent container used.

So the reagents are definitely classified as follows: PB (intended for biochemistry), PA (intended for analytical application), QP (it is chemically pure and is intended for general laboratory use) and DC (intended for those applications typical of clinical analysis).

For his part, the examination or evaluation item It will be that item that in academic evaluations turns out to be an instruction by the creator of the test and that is linked to the application and the results, their reaction is evaluated based on the veracity of their result and in some situations it will also be taken into account its execution methodology and this will result in a cumulative percentage and the evaluation rating.

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