
definition of experimental psychology

The psychology It is a science that offers many different fields of study because although psychology is mainly the science that studies human behavior, the methodology to carry out this analysis can be very different.

An extremely precise scientific analysis

Experimental science, for example, considers that the phenomena of consciousness can be studied in the purest style of experimental science, that is, just like any other field of reality, it can be analyzed in terms of cause and effect relationships that allow observe a predictable relationship in certain events marked by a causal chain.

That is, the experimental method is praised for being synonymous with precision and accuracy as shown by the mathematical field. Especially praised by those who elevate the value of rationality to the highest power. From another point of view, philosophy shows that there are areas of the human that cannot be analyzed from the perspective of the exact.

How are feelings evaluated?

For example, feelings they are unquantifiable. Experimental psychology takes as an object of study among other topics: sensation and perception, memory as a form of knowledge, knowledge, the learning process, human motivation, feelings and emotions, emotion of the inner world and social relationships. Experimental psychology becomes an important tool to better understand the human being.

This method starts from the observation of reality in the purest scientific style that starts from the analysis of the facts with which it is possible to establish a hypothesis. The fundamental goal of experimental psychology is to understand human behavior. To achieve this objective, experiments are carried out with people but mainly with animals.

Psychology can also be classified by the term methodological used, in that case, experimental science simulates the exact science process to define patterns of human behavior. Experimental science, as in science itself, uses observation to extract general laws that explain mental processes and human behavior.

Three fundamental pillars that govern Experimental Psychology

The psychology Experimental has developed along three main branches: Wundt's mentalistic approach to psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology. The true power of science is interdisciplinary, that is, the important thing is to value the good that each school of psychology contributes to knowledge in order to better understand the value of the human, what defines the person and what makes them happy.

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