
definition of difference

According to the context in which it is applied, the term difference has several meanings.

In general terms, by difference is understood to that quality or aspect by which a person or thing will be distinguished from another. For example, at the request of applying for a job, a person who speaks English perfectly, both in writing and orally, will make an absolute difference in his favor compared to the rest of his competitors.

Likewise, the word difference is used very frequently in ordinary language. when you want to account for the disagreement or discord that an issue or issue raised between two individuals, groups, companies, among others.

And finally in the field of mathematics The term has a special participation and common use, since it is used to account for the result of a subtraction, which is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic together with addition, multiplication and division and which basically consists of a given certain quantity, eliminating a part of it and then the result of that operation will be called difference.

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