
definition of seed

A seed is the part of the fruit of vegetables that contains the germ of a new plant. The mentioned part is protected by a testa and derives from the integuments of the seminal primordium.

Likewise, the term seed is designated to the following things ... grain that plants produce and that when falling or being sown produces new plants of the same species, to the portion of vegetable provided with buds and to the grains that are sown in general, except for wheat and barley.

The seed is produced through the maturation of an ovule of a gymnosperm or an angiosperm. It contains an embryo from which a new plant can develop as long as the conditions are in place for such a situation to occur. In addition to the above, the seed has a stored food source which is wrapped in a protective covering. The aforementioned food presents a thin tissue known as endosperm, which generally presents oil, starch and other proteins, however, this does not happen in the case of all seeds, since the seeds of some plants do not have this component , such is the case of sunflowers, beans and radishes.

On the other hand, plants that present seeds are known as spermatophytes.

On the other hand, the seeds of angiosperms are housed by structures, either dry or fleshy, which are known as fruits.

In another vein, seeds and the functions they perform are of considerable importance for human consumptionTherefore, as a consequence of this question, man has been in charge of developing a productive process that includes the sowing, harvesting, drying, classification, washing, selection, treatment, storage and packaging of the seeds.

And another use of the word seed is thing that is the cause or origin of another. Juan's infidelity was the seed that led to the final separation of the couple.

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