
definition of productivity

Capacity of something or someone to produce

Productivity is the ability of something or someone to produce, be useful and profitable. Whenever the word is pronounced, you are realizing the quality of productive that something presents.

He too term is used to refer to the capacity or degree of production per unit of work, of cultivated land area, of industrial equipment, among others.

Relevance in the economy

While, it is in the economy where the concept is applied the most and by the way it is attributed a great relevance. Because productivity turns out to be the relationship between what is produced and the means used to produce, labor, materials, energy, among others. Generally, this is why productivity is usually related to efficiency and time, because the less time it takes to obtain the desired result, the more productive the system will be.

In companies of any kind, it is an issue that is always being sought and that is highly valued because it is precisely what will determine the success or failure of the same. For example, companies seek through various strategies and resources to maximize their productivity.

In this sense, studies and analysis are carried out, experts are summoned, among other alternatives, to be able to find the best recipe that yields maximum productivity and requires fewer and fewer elements to achieve it. That is, companies analyze options that involve increasing production and profits but at the same time reducing costs at all levels. Undoubtedly, that is the best equation for companies, although it is not always so for employees.

Investments and staff training, the keys

Among the various strategies, the search for investments that allow the introduction of improvements, for example in the processes and machinery in charge of production, and also the training of the personnel in charge of the production area stand out. The more qualified the employee is, the higher his productivity is assumed. Now, we must also say at this point that suitability of course contributes to greater effectiveness but the company should not forget that the employee must also be happy in every way and especially with his remuneration, in order to be able to provide himself to the maximum.

When the employee feels that their working conditions are not meeting their expectations, this inevitably affects their productivity. For example, employees should be attentive to maximizing production but should not neglect this issue.

Now, the way in which any service is produced is either directly proportional to productivity, that is, that way has a direct impact on this condition. Within this process we can mention the following elements, some already mentioned, capital, land or physical space in which it is carried out and labor. The combination of these is very important when it comes to good or bad productivity.

Through productivity it is possible to evaluate the capacity of a system to produce products and the degree to which resources are used.

The better the productivity of a company, the higher profitability it will observe. In this way, quality management seeks for a company to increase its productivity.

Types of productivity

There are different types of productivity, we will describe them below ...

Labor productivity It consists of the increase or decrease of the returns originated from the variations of work, capital, technique and any other factor.

For its part, overall productivity It is a concept that companies use to improve their own productivity through the study of its determining factors and the elements that intervene in it, such as new technologies, work organization, the study of cycles.

And the total productivity of the factors is more than anything linked to the performance of the economic process measured in physical or monetary units, by the relationship between the products obtained and the factors used.

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