
talk definition

The word chat designates that conversation, which generally shows friendly and informal overtones, and that one maintains with another individual or with several, who act as interlocutors, with the mission of commenting on a topic, putting it, or learning about something, among other issues.

Informal conversation between two or more people in which they comment on one or more topics of interest

It is characterized by its informality and little solemnity and although relevant and profound questions can be addressed, it is also common to talk about banal things and change from one topic to another, especially when it comes to talks from friends who were not seen from a long time ago and they are catching up in a meeting.

Each one will have their turn to speak and they will change roles in the round trip of the talk.

One of the salient characteristics of the talk is that each of the interlocutors will have their space to speak, express themselves, but they must also give the same time to the person with whom they are talking, that is, feedback is essential in the talk. constant among those who participate in it.

The interlocutors, for example, will constantly change their roles in the conversation, at times they will be receivers and at other times they will be transmitters of information, since the message is built from the intervention of each one.

The speaker's turn is not stipulated or foreseen as can happen in a conference in which this is planned in advance, but whoever takes the floor changes spontaneously and naturally and depending on the dynamics that the talk takes in question.

The talk, on the other hand, is generally conditioned by the framework in which it takes place, that is, if it is an informal talk, the participants will choose the topics and will vary them to piacere, on the other hand, if it is a talk Organized on a specific topic in which several speakers participate, it will revolve around the theme of the call and will be impregnated by a greater formality at the time of expression.

The development of technology allows chatting without being face to face through chats

To have a chat with another person or with several, it is not necessary to be face to face with it, that is, the chat can take place even when the people involved are not in the same physical space and this especially occurs Thanks to the benefits of technology that allow us to establish conversations by phone, via the Internet through a chat, or video chat, with the computer, or with a smartphone, among other devices.

The fantastic development that has occurred in technology, with the invention of the internet and many other applications that work through the connection of this type is that you can chat with others without having to say a word, for example, chats allow the real-time exchange of written messages between two or more people, even many applications of this type have added in recent years the possibility of recording audio messages to avoid having to write or call the other.

In this way you can also have a chat through chat audios.

Chats are a hyper-extended instant messaging tool in today's world that can be run on cell phones and computers, although cell phones are the stars par excellence in the use of chat because they are accompanying the user all day.

Short oral dissertation

On the other hand, we also call in our language talk to that oral dissertation of short duration and semi-formal characteristics, because if we compare it with a conference, the latter is usually characterized by presenting more formal characteristics than in talks where there is a looser round trip between those who speak and the public.

In educational environments, it is common to carry out this type of event when you want to shed light on students on a certain issue.

It is exposed with the testimony of a specialist on the subject.

Thus, an expert doctor in drug addiction will be the best specialist to explain to students the details of addiction and its fatal consequences.

Structure of a talk

Usually, the talks are organized from the following parts: opening (from a sentence the start of the talk is announced), orientation (implies the presentation of the topic), developing (It is made up of the different participations of those who participate in the talk), conclusion (the topic of conversation ends with a closing) and closing (the conversation is formally closed with the use of some closing phrase).

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