
definition of metamorphosis

In its broadest and most general use, the word metamorphosis lets indicate to that process by which an object, an entity or any other matter undergoes a profound change, evolution or transformation and that normally culminates in its conversion into something totally different. The metamorphosis of your cousin is really amazing, it left us all speechless to see her so thin.

Now, this metamorphosis may be physical, as we pointed out in the example just recently, or in its defect symbolic, such is the case of those changes that occur in terms of ideas, opinions.

And from an angle strictly biological, metamorphosis is a process that occurs in some animals (amphibians, insects, mollusks, crustaceans, among others) and that generates that from its development, from the very moment of its birth and until maturity, it passes through important and substantial physical and structural changes. That is, the metamorphosis will not only involve changes in size and increase in the number of cells, but also changes in cell differentiation and in the genera.


Also, metamorphosis can be accompanied by changes in behavior and environment.

The metamorphosis can be in two ways, simple, incomplete or simple, which is characterized in that the animal goes through various molts before becoming an adult without ever going through a moment of inaction. And the metamorphosis complete or complicated It is distinguished because the egg is born from a larva totally to the adult that will be and goes through several molts before it. In the process, she usually stops eating and becomes immobilized, enclosing herself in a cover that protects her. Within it, it undergoes the morphological and physical reorganization that turns it into an adult.

On geology We also find a reference for the word that refers to the change in the formation of a rock and that will occur when it is under the influence of pressure or subjected to a temperature different from the one that gave rise to it.

And finally the term metamorphosis has become very popular as a result of the title of a book: The Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka and published in 1915. The story precisely narrates the vicissitudes to which the cloth merchant Gregor Samsa is subjected, who suddenly one fine day wakes up turned into a great insect.

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