
definition of running

Considered one of the most complete and healthy activities, running, or running, allows humans (as well as animals) to move quickly and efficiently. In the case of humans, running has been established as an accessible, comfortable and effective sport that allows maintaining a good state of health while clearing the mind and developing an active and energetic attitude to face the routine. This means that, unlike what happens with animals, the race in the case of man can have recreational purposes as well as subsistence purposes.

Running or the act of running is an activity that, while it appears to move only the lower body, requires appropriate mobility of the entire individual. In this sense, the legs are the ones that exert the greatest movement, but without a doubt, the arms and torso must also be adequately rocked so that the person maintains balance and thus obtains the best results. The running process is carried out through a succession of movements that alternate continuously and that are perhaps imperceptible but undoubtedly essential: momentum, support, advancement, etc. All of them make up a race sequence and can vary in intensity and distance in each case.

In the Olympic Games, the race is one of the main and most traditional disciplines, present in various events in the athletics area. However, there are many sports (Olympic and not) that include running movements and that make this activity one of the most basic of any physical activity.

A hyper healthy activity

Performing physical exercise regularly, practicing a sport, will always bring benefits to our health, while, with regard to running or running, there are several issues that will be positively affected, among them: strengthening of bones and muscles , delaying by case the aging of the body; a decrease in blood pressure, a further increase in arterial elasticity, and as a consequence a reduction in the possibility of suffering a heart attack; growth of respiratory capacity because running increases the capillaries that have the mission of sending blood to the lungs, among the most notable.

Common injuries

Being an impact sport, running can cause us to suffer from different injuries, including pain in the knee, in certain muscles that are extremely demanding, fractures, sprains, among many others. Mostly, injuries appear as a result of excessive practice and not the opposite, so you have to be careful with over-demands and much more when you are not at a physical level that can cope with the demand. Satisfactory rest, a correct warm-up, and the use of appropriate clothing and footwear will help prevent injuries.

Slippers, key pieces to avoid injuries

It is important, without a doubt, that the act of running is carried out with the appropriate precautions in order to avoid injuries, blisters or any other trauma that can harm subsequent sports performance and that can disable the body from performing different sports or movements.

Among the most important, the use of correct footwear and clothing stands out that add to the comfort of the athlete or athlete and do not complicate their walk, for example, triggering an injury.

In the case of footwear, professionals in the field and medical specialists agree in recommending shoes that precisely have a special design or certain characteristics that contribute to the performance of the exercise being practiced and obviously that ward off injuries.

Because when we run we take several jumps and in these the weight of our body falls on each leg, and even more, it doubles. Meanwhile, the joints of the knees, ankles and hips are the most exposed to resentment if footwear that reduces this impact is not used.

Thus there are shoes that emphasize cushioning, others on movement, some others on the terrain that is traveled, to mention some of the most important issues under consideration.

Once the right shoe has been chosen for the type of race that will be carried out, it is important not to make a mistake with the size, because if we choose a size that is just right, it will surely bother us because when running our feet swell. And the opposite will happen if we choose a large size. For example, the ideal is to choose the size that will leave us between toe and toe of the shoe a minimum of half a centimeter and up to a maximum centimeter.

Stockings are also extremely important and should be the perfect match with the shoes of your choice. They should be thick and absorb the moisture produced by perspiration as much as possible. There are many socks designed for sports that have an antibacterial treatment and a special design for each foot, reinforced in those parts of the foot that apply the greatest pressure.

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