
definition of plurality

In general terms, the word plurality refers to a multitude or large number of some things coexisting in the same environment or area.

And on the other hand, plurality also refers to the quality or condition of being more than one.

So, in whatever field, plurality will always bring a benefit to it, because its concrete existence will mean that everyone, even those who do not constitute a majority per se, will have the possibility of expressing themselves and being heard on equal terms with those that are done, for example, by someone who recognizes himself as part of the majority.

The existence of plurality it is indispensable for freedom and vice versa, that is, both they nurture and feed back on each other and at a certain point they cannot be conceived separately.

In a context of full freedom, as we said, everyone will be able to comment on an issue and when there is plurality then it is because they enjoy freedom.

In the variety and diversity of positions, it is possible to reach the resolution of problems, because that plurality of thoughts will always end up impacting the final result, in the conclusions, generating that each position ends up having its representation, its voice and its vote, as it is popularly said.

The democratic government system is undoubtedly the one that best exposes and represents plurality because it is precisely a system that is based on the harmonious coexistence of ideas totally different from each other. It is tolerated and accepted that there is another who does not think the same, and that does not mean that they should be disqualified or repressed as is the case with totalitarian government systems.

Tolerance, dialogue and respect are the most transcendent values ​​that we can recognize in a framework of plurality. Because the different not only coexist but can interact without the other forcing them to think like him.

Even from different positions, they can agree on how to solve any question that concerns them.

Democracy even promotes that there are more and more groups that make differences among themselves, so that in this way democracy is even more authentic.

The more heterogeneity prevails in the political system and in society, the citizens of that community may feel calmer because surely their interests will be expressed and represented by someone.

At the request of a political context or of some social organization with solidarity purposes based mainly on democratic precepts, for example, the concept of plurality must show a special presence and participation in what would be the organization, strengthening and development of the aforementioned political organization or social, since it refers and supposes the tendency to recognition and permission that all the constituent voices or parts of it can have a voice and vote in everything that concerns or concerns its operation, especially so that the operation is correct and always with good results, something that will surely have more chances to occur when all the members that make up the organization can actively participate and give their points of view, even though they are different, because from that variety is where and almost always the best are drawn. fruits and revenues.

On the other hand, in terms of a society or a community, plurality will be understood as the fact that minorities and majorities of cultural ethnic groups can exist and coexist in it that differ from each other, but that at a certain point unite in the same way. The fact of living in the same place and it will be this difference that ultimately enriches this society in question.

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