
margin definition

The term Margin It has several references according to the context in which it is used.

At the end of one thing or on the shore of another, such as a river, for example, it is popularly known as a margin.. Thus, the bank of a river is called this way, then, if we were standing in the middle of a river, observing where it runs downstream, the right bank will be the bank that is in our right direction and the Left margin, by default, will be the one located on our left side.

On the other hand, the margin is also called blank space on each of the four sides that presents a page either handwritten or printed. In some sense, what promotes the presence of the margin is a better organization of the text that will make it more readable in the eyes of the person who reads it.

Also, the term is used very frequently when you want to make some kind of temporary reference. With my team we have a margin of 20 calendar days to deliver the special work assigned to us in mathematics.

Another use is the one that accounts for a occasion or opportunity. Juan's scandalous behavior at the party gave rise to all kinds of comments.

Too, at the behest of the economy the word margin has a special meaning, because in this context, the margin or profit margin, as it is called in some cases, represent the amount of profit that leaves the realization of a business or that can be obtained if it is specified. More precisely, the margin will be the difference between the sale price without including VAT that a product has and the production costs that it supposed.

Meanwhile, a very common expression linked and that refers to the term is on the sidelines, used when you want to realize that someone is presented separately or that they did not participate in any kind.

And finally we find the dynamic range that is the noise-signal ratio which will present an electronic signal.

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