
definition of linear equation

The concept that we will deal with below is linked to the field of math, meanwhile, for this science, a equation is that equality in which at least one unknown appears, since there may be more, which must be revealed to reach its resolution.

Now, the equation has elements such as: the members, which are each of the algebraic expressions, that is, the known values, and on the other hand the unknowns, which are precisely those values ​​to discover. Through different mathematical operations we will be able to know the unknown data.

Known values ​​that are stated in an equation can consist of numbers, variables, constants, or coefficients, while the unknown or unknown values ​​will be symbolized from letters that serve as the value that will later be known.

With an example we will see it more clearly: 10 + x = 20. In this simple equation the numbers 10 and 20 are the values ​​we know and the x the one that we do not know and have to find out. The resolution would be like this: x = 20 - 10, so x = 10. The unknown in the equation will be 10.

There are different types of equations, in which algebraic equations the type of concern is located, which is that of First Degree Equation or Linear Equation. It is a type of equation that will only involve addition and subtraction of a variable to the first power.

One of the simplest forms of this type of equation is: y = mx + n (In the Cartesian system they are represented by lines), then m will be the slope and n the point at which the line intersects the y-axis… 4 x + 3 y = 7.

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