
definition of fan

The term fan refers to that individual supporter and enthusiastic of something or someone, especially of a soccer team or another sport.

Individual supporter of something or someone, especially soccer teams

Now, we should not reduce it solely to sports since the object of its affection can respond to any other area, it does not necessarily have to be football, music and politics, for example, they tend to arouse great passions in people as well.

"My family is a Boca Juniors fan by inheritance from my grandfather who was a faithful follower of the riverbank team from its beginnings almost."

The fan, in turn will be part of a larger system known as swollen in which all fans and enthusiasts are integrated, whether from a sports team or from any other context. Their action is characterized by the use of songs of encouragement, posters and banners and they aim to cheer on their team for the duration of the presentation in question.

Origin of the concept

The origin of the term is in Montevideo, Uruguay, at the beginning of the 20th century and is the direct consequence of the actions of the Uruguayan saddler Prudencio Miguel Reyes who was hired by the team National Football Club of the aforementioned country, to inflate with air, (inflate) the game balls. Soon, Reyes became an enthusiastic supporter of the team, encouraging close to the playing field with shouts and harangues, and then people began to call him a fan, for the aforementioned work he did at the club.

Key piece in the entertainment and football business

Although the concept is often used in other sports, we cannot ignore that football practically took over it and so much so that we hardly hear about a fan, we think of football.

The fans are undoubtedly a fundamental part of the show and of the football business, because they are the ones who feed with their presence and their encouragement both the show from the stands, as well as the club's economy by buying tickets, merchandising, among others.

This interference has given the fans tremendous power and in many cases they assert it, especially when the football aspect of the club is not working well. They are the first from the stands to express with shouts, whistles and insults their disagreement with the team's game, with a player or with any decision of the coach.

Brave bars versus fans

Meanwhile, within that vast universe that makes up a fan, we can find calm fans, who exert their fanaticism from the stands only with their breath, and we can also find the so-called brave bars, which are those fans who show extremely high behavior. violent on the field, attacking their own and others, because not only do they exert violence against rivals, they often also do it against other sectors of the fans themselves.

Unfortunately, the barra bravas are a reality in many countries and their reckless action only tarnishes the sporting show, because we must say that in that systematic violence that they deploy, there are usually fatal victims, direct consequences of their vandalism.

The complicity that exists in most cases between brave bars, soccer leaders and some players makes their complete eradication from the fields very complex in many cases.

A separate paragraph deserves the action carried out in England, a country that for many years was dominated by violence in football, by the so-called Hooligans, and through the implementation of various policies they were able to eradicate them from the fields and thus recover peace and quiet at sporting events.

I hate that someone expresses for another

And on the other hand, in colloquial use, the term fan is used to account for the hatred or enmity that someone expresses for another. "Maria has a lot of fans as a consequence of your good social position."

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