
definition of beautiful

The word handsome is a term we use widely in our conversations, especially to account for that which in the light of the senses stands out for its harmony and beauty. What a beautiful boy, he really has a perfect nose and eyebrows. You have rented in a beautiful place, the landscape does not compare to anything.

It is worth noting, with respect to this sense of the term, that although for most people the beautiful is strictly adjusted to the conditions of harmony and beauty, there is no unanimity in belief, especially because it is subjectivity that rules in the aforementioned consideration of the beautiful and then, since individuals are not equal and all have different experiences and criteria, what for one may be beautiful, in the eyes of another may not be at all.

While, the uglyWhat stands out for its appearance, appearance, adverse and lackluster, is the concept that is directly opposed to that of beautiful.

But also the word beautiful can present other references, for example, at the request of the ethics and deontology, when talking about beautiful it will imply that, an action, a situation, that stands out for its nobility and goodness. It isreally beautiful that you have given your daughter your wedding dress to wear at her wedding. Giving that abandoned puppy a home was a really beautiful gesture on your part..

On the other hand, in some Spanish-speaking regions, the word beautiful is used to account for that which is extensive, vast. I consider this to be a beautiful enough house for both of us. And also, applied to an individual, to refer to that person who stands out for his vigor and freshness. The puppy already looks quite beautiful.

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