
definition of energy sources

The Energy It is a fundamental issue in people's daily lives since a good part of the activities carried out in the world depend on it. Since time immemorial, man has searched for them to find in the proposals that nature offered him various options to generate energy. Therefore, its absence or lack would be truly catastrophic for the development and survival of the species.

In the meantime, Energy sources are all those resources present in nature and from which energy can precisely be obtained to use in the various activities and processes that must be undertaken or developed.

The sun, the wind, the water They are some of the most important natural energy sources that we have on the planet. The sun and water for example are used to generate electrical energy and are certainly remarkable in this regard.

Now, it is important that we mention that there are some sources of energy that can be exhausted at some point as a result of their unrestricted and in some cases irresponsible use, and there are others that will never be exhausted. By case is that they are classified into renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

It is worth noting that this depletion or durability over time will also be determined by the use that is given to energy sources, that is, what we mentioned before, that the key is in the responsible and conscious use that beings give it. humans to energy sources, whatever their type.

In the group of renewables, the podium is occupied by the sun because it is known that it will not run out. While in the first place in the ranking of non-renewable sources, fossil fuels (coal and oil) stand out. This is so because their use far exceeds the availability of these resources on the planet.

In the precise case of fossil fuels, we must mention its other side since its combustion generates severe damage to the environment. The environmental impact that they produce in this sense is not to be neglected, much less and that is why alternatives are being sought so as not to continue contributing to the decline of the planet in this regard.

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