
socket definition

Depending on the field in which it is used, the word plinth will present several references.

In the field of construction and architecture, the socket will be the lower body of a work that allows raising the foundations to the same level. Although also in other areas within the same architecture, the term socket is used to, on the one hand, account for the frieze or skirting board, the strip or partition that is placed in the lower part of the walls to protect them, either from blows or to give it an aesthetic sense, and on the other hand, to designate the lower limb of a pedestal.

The plinth or frieze can be made of ceramic or wood and generally to achieve visual harmony is that it is painted the same color as the floor and wall. Meanwhile, there is a requirement that the plinth in question must respect, and that is that the measure agrees one hundred percent with the needs of the wall.

On your side, radiant baseboards are those who assume the function of heating, acting as a thermal barrier against the cold and also contribute to preventing such unpleasant damp stains from appearing on the walls in the future.

In another vein, for the geology, the sockets are plains or plateaus that have been formed in the Paleozoic Era as a result of the erosion of the mountain ranges caused in the orogenesis. They form platforms built from siliceous rocks that present great rigidity.

On the other hand, in the Computing, the socket is a support system and electrical connection, which allows to fix the microprocessor to the motherboard. It is used in open architecture equipment because it is sought that there is a variety of components, thus allowing the change of the card or the integrated one.

And in Mexico, the Zócalo is called main square of a city. For example, it is known as El Zócalo to the Constitution Plaza, considered one of the largest squares in the world, occupies a rectangular area of ​​approximately 46,800 square meters and is located in Mexico City.

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