
definition of photogenic

If a person is photographed, two things can happen, whether they are favored or not. People who normally present a good image of themselves are photogenic.

Photography is not necessarily related to beauty

There are objectively attractive people and, despite this, their image in photographs is not very attractive. In the same way, someone who is not too attractive can give a good image of himself. One could say that photogenesis is a little mystery.

It is possible to learn to be photographed and for this there are photogenic courses

In these courses a series of practical recommendations are given. First of all, it is important to pose properly in front of a camera. In this sense, it is necessary that the distance between the photographer and the person being photographed is adequate, neither too close nor too far and, on the other hand, that there is adequate light when the camera is triggered. Photographers recommend taking into account the physical characteristics of the individual (for example, to disguise a physical defect).

Obviously, the position of the body is a fundamental aspect, so a suggestive position is preferable (the frontal image is not generally the one that most enhances the physical appearance).

Photographers also recommend positioning your feet correctly, wearing appropriate clothing, using correct makeup, and not lowering your face.

It is convenient that those and other small details are supervised by a good photographer, who knows how to hide possible defects and highlight the qualities of the photographed. These types of recommendations are useful for anyone, but especially for those who are professional models.

In short, the photograph of the human body and face must be harmonious and pleasing to the eye and some guidelines are very useful.

The look in the photograph

The look of an individual expresses his state of mind and his personality. To be photogenic, it is advisable not to forget that there is a general principle that photographers use, the law of the gaze. According to this law, the photographic frame of a face must have more free space in its front part.

There are also, on the other hand, two other laws, the law of the horizon and the law of thirds. All of them are of great importance for a person's face to be photogenic.

Photos: Fotolia - khmelev / Maksim Toome

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