
definition of vital signs

The Vital signs they are a series of parameters product of the activity of several vital organs that can be measured in individuals. They are called signs since their identification is the product of a medical examination.

Its presence is a sign of the integrity of the neurovegetative nervous system function, as well as organs such as the lung and the heart. The absence of vital signs is a sign of death.

These parameters undergo variations throughout life, with ranges of values ​​that vary if it is a child, an adult or an elderly person.

What are the vital signs

Pulsations. The pulsations, also known as the heart rate, are oscillations that are felt in the wall of the arteries, they are due to the volume of blood that enters these structures with each heart beat. Under normal conditions the pulse has a rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute, which corresponds to the rate with which the heart beats. To determine the pulse, it is necessary to press a finger on a superficial artery, the most used with the radial artery that is located in the anterior aspect of the wrist on the thumb side and the carotid artery that is located in the neck.

Breathing frequency. Another important parameter to evaluate is the frequency with which you breathe, this value is obtained by observing the inspiratory movements of the chest, or by auscultating the respiratory sounds during lung auscultation. The normal value for the respiratory rate ranges from 12 to 18 breaths per minute.

Blood pressure. Pressure or blood pressure is, as its name indicates, the pressure that exists in arteries at the time of expulsion of blood from the heart (systole), as well as when they return to their initial position or resting phase (diastole). The normal value for this parameter is 120/80 mmHg, which can vary from 100/60 mmHg to 140/90 mmHg. To obtain blood pressure values ​​it is necessary to use a device known as a blood pressure monitor or sphygmomanometer.

Temperature. The regulation of body temperature is a function that takes place in the brain, specifically at the level of the hypothalamus. Our body is managed in a very narrow temperature range that goes from 36.5 to 37.5 ° C, below 36.5 ° C we speak of hypothermia, while above 37.5 ° C it is considers that there is a state of hyperthermia or fever. The temperature is determined with the use of the thermometer.

What is the importance of vital signs?

These parameters are of great importance when evaluating a person who is unconscious in order to determine if he is alive or if he has died, in cases of conditions such as shock it can be difficult to quantify vital signs since they can be imperceptible therefore, procedures such as cardiac monitoring may be required.

In conscious people, the determination of vital signs is of great importance to identify a series of disorders, such as the presence of respiratory conditions, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension or hypotension, fever or hypothermia.

Photos: iStock - ismagilov / choja

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