
definition of cowardly

The word pusillanimous is a term that we usually use when we want to express the lack of courage, courage, that someone presents when it comes time to face an adverse situation, overcome obstacles that appear on the way to a goal, or deal with a very painful scenario. “My brother is so cowardly that he will never confront our father to defend his position.”

Person without courage, courage, courage

It is clear from the foregoing that the cowardly person is the opposite of the brave, the hero, the individual who faces whatever it takes to achieve what he wants, or who recovers quickly from some tragedy.

We clearly use this concept with an absolutely negative regard in relation to who it is addressed to.

We cannot ignore that it is a word that today enjoys quite a significant disuse, being replaced by other concepts such as cowardly, fearful, among the most common, but this does not affect the fact that when it is applied it implies a grievance, or a bad regard as to who it is addressed to.

No guts and courage to face problems or overcome tragedies

Generally, the fainthearted stands out for not having enough or necessary guts to face a challenge or obstacle that prevents their action.

Feeling of inferiority and fear of change

Also, another frequent characteristic that we find in the faint-hearted is the inferiority complex that he presents with respect to others, that is, when buying from others, he believes that it is much less although such a situation is not effectively the case, and for example this reading about himself, wrong many times, leads him to give up when facing another, who he considers superior to him, for example, is that with this type of people, the specialists, must work a lot on the issue of raising self-esteem .

Doubt, fear of social prejudices, especially what they will say about me if I decide to carry out this or that action, are conditions that are very present in the faint-hearted.

Due to the above, it is not very difficult to perceive that the faint-hearted does not have a blissful, happy and peaceful existence in life at all, but quite the contrary, because his constant fears, doubts, make him recoil in decisions and choices that probably he will. make an individual happier, but as the lack of audacity is such for the fainthearted, he will never advance in that action, behavior, that implies a change of course, he prefers to remain immersed in the same state of things rather than suffer a setback that frightens him even more.

We can say that the faint-hearted is also afraid of change, of everything that may involve risks, something different, which he does not know and does not know how to get out, so he prefers, as we said, to stay in the known situation in which he is he finds, even if it is not the one that makes him happy.

It should be noted that in the delineation of this profile, as in so many others, the upbringing, the messages, that the individual has been receiving and assimilating from their closest environment, the experience, has a great influence.

If you were raised with a predominance of fear, surely that is your most salient characteristic when it comes to acting and thinking about life.

It is recurrent that many faint-hearted ones do not recognize their condition as such, because of course, it is not at all a pride to be, far from it.

From the above, we can conclude that the faint-hearted is a person who is likely to have a psychological problem that influences their emotional well-being, that is, that makes them feel unwell, that they do not feel safe, and for example, I could even negatively influence them. in the physical aspect.

One way out: therapy

People with this problem demand specialized psychological care to help them overcome this trauma of having to face difficult issues because they believe they cannot overcome them.

Of course, in many cases they may have a biased and mistaken view of themselves, erroneously constructed by the influence of others over the years, and then, a therapy can help them to identify the problem and to be able to recover those guts that they believe they do not possess. .

While, boldness, momentum and courage they are characteristics that are directly opposed to the fainthearted.

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