
definition of structured

When the term 'structured' is used, it is talking about a qualifying adjective that serves to indicate that a thing or person has structure and that therefore it has firmness or where to lean, whether this is something symbolic or concrete.

Thing that has solidity

If we use the structured adjective to refer to a person, we probably do so in a negative sense.

A person who behaves and thinks with rigidity is afraid of changes and finds it difficult to adapt to the new

The term structured means that the person is very rigid and firm in their forms, perhaps excessively, and that does not allow them to get out of their structures (which can be mental, behavioral, action, etc.).

While social life always implies the adaptation and renewal of our attitudes according to what the environment that surrounds us demands of us (without this having to mean abandoning our ideals), a structured person can suffer because he isolates himself with their rigid structures or ways instead of adapting. An example of a structured person can be a person who considers it very important to eat every day at eight o'clock at night. An unstructured person is one who does not care about the rigidities of life and allows himself to live as best as possible within what the environment allows.

Main features

From psychology, the structured personality is defined as one that has rigid, closed mental structures, which presents great difficulty when adapting to new situations, changes, and much more if they are at the antipodes of its way of thinking or behaving.

Life in society constantly prompts us to adapt to various circumstances, to accommodate our attitudes and behaviors to the environment in which we act, however, without neglecting the ideals that mobilize us.

Meanwhile, the structured personality in this situation will find it hard to do so and instead of adapting, it will tend to isolate itself. Its extreme rigidity prevents it from accessing the change and tolerating it as someone else who does not present this inclination can.

The structured person decodes change as a destabilizing and threatening situation in the face of the security that he experiences and lives.

There is a great fear of change that usually triggers a serious stress picture.

For example, for the structured person, moving house will be a very destabilizing situation, which will surely cause sadness, anguish and may even lead to suffering from a physical illness.

On the other hand, the structured personality is usually characterized by prudence, self-demand, perfectionism and will not tolerate disorder, irresponsibility and a lack of interest in others.

And when it comes to how others see them, they are often seen as unfriendly, hermits and with a certain halo of nostalgia.

One explanation for this is that they are so focused on their universe and what they need to do that they tend to abstract from their surroundings.

Another common trait is that they do not like to ask for help, show themselves vulnerable, and if someone wants to help them they reject it.

Rarely will a structured person get out of their monotonous routine of activities and if they do it for something they want to return immediately because otherwise fear will invade them.

Have serious support

However, the term structured can also be applied to things or objects. Thus, as seen in the image, when something is structured it can mean that it has support in something serious or respectable, that it is well organized or well diagrammed. Having a structure is what allows us to speak of order and organization, both very important things when it comes to clarifying issues such as knowledge, materials, ideas, etc. When an object, a diagram, an element does not have a more or less clear structure, it probably loses meaning, it is difficult to understand or analyze it and thus end up losing a large part of its virtues.

The synonyms most used at the behest of this concept are: rigid, inflexible and programmed, meanwhile, the other side is unstructured.

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