
definition of grove

The word grove is the one used to designate those lands in which the presence of trees predominates, in abundance and forming a space almost completely covered by said vegetation. The groves are usually very quiet spaces and thanks to the significant presence of green, the air is usually cleaner. It is important to note that groves can be generated naturally as well as artificially by man in spaces where there was no such vegetation. When we talk about artificial groves, we are referring in most cases to groves that are located in urban spaces or that are created specifically for an objective such as dividing land.

The groves are one of the plant forms that can be found in nature. A grove is defined as a land in which there is a significant presence of trees that can be of the same type or of different species. To form the grove, the trees are usually very close to each other, which is why an air space completely covered by the trees can be generated. In some cases, the groves can completely alter the space, making many of the animals and other plants could not exist without the presence of the trees (as trees serve as shelter, protection or housing for many of them).

As said, groves can be natural or artificially created by man. In the latter case, we are talking about groves that are designed and created for a specific purpose such as providing more green spaces to an urban space, marking land (common practice in rural agricultural or livestock areas), marking roads or simply for urban design functions. . The groves are very important for urban spaces since their presence ensures that the air naturally polluted by industries or transport is cleaned and renewed permanently.

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