
definition of sonnet

The term Sonnet refers to that poetic composition with Italian roots, composed of 14 hendecasyllable verses, that is to say, eleven syllables, which are divided into two quartets and two triplets. In the case of quartets, the first verse must rhyme with the fourth and the second with the third and both quartets must use the same rhymes, while, on the side of the triplets, they may be composed to taste and piacere of the poet, with the only condition that they share at least one rhyme.

Regarding its origin, the sonnet is a hundred percent Italian creation that has been attributed to Giácomo Lentino and dating from approximately the first half of the 13th century. But of course, as it happens with a good part of the inventors of something, always, those who pick up the glove will be those most remembered and to whom in definitive accounts the perfection of the thing already invented is attributed. So a Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto and Tasso they are some of those who impressed the perfection of Lentino's creation.

Meanwhile, the sonnet is one of the most widespread and widespread compositions throughout the planet, which has been used by magnificent writers and which also knew how to remain in force through no more and no less than eight centuries.

Contrary to what happens with other forms, the sonnet will not be by force an integral element of a poem, but rather constitutes a closed set, a unit, and that for this reason is that it requires great rigor and rigor for its formulation. concentration. The regularity and symmetry turn out to be other conditions without equanom of a sonnet and those that will mark and force precision and conciseness when presenting ideas.

Within a sonnet, it will be the last verse, that determining part of it, in it, it will always be communicated and will establish what is most explosive and decisive of the matter or question being addressed. The greatest thought or emotional charge, as appropriate, should always be inscribed in the final verse of a sonnet.

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