
definition of designation (designate)

Appointing someone means that a person is appointed for some type of position, activity or distinction. And designation is the noun that is applied in such circumstances. The appointment implies a prior decision. One person or several must propose a candidate for a specific activity. This initial proposal is specified in the act of designation.

The appointment is the final result of a prior deliberation. In this sense, someone is appointed to a function, position or recognition, and normally this happens in relation to some type of awards or activities of high social prestige.

To be appointed, a person must be part of a group of candidates who are opting to be elected. For this, the candidates must have presented some merits or abilities. The designation implies an award or recognition and frequently an act is carried out in which said designation is materialized.

The use of the term designation does not refer exclusively to the personal scope, but also applies in other circumstances. Take, for example, the cities that compete as Olympic bids. In this context, the different cities compete with each other and aim to achieve the final recognition. There is an act of certain solemnity in which a certain city is named as the one that has been selected as the most suitable. It is the moment of designation, the final outcome situation, in which there is a winner (the chosen city) and a loser or losers (those who have not).

The appointment could also have hazardous circumstances. It is what would happen when choosing someone or something not because of their qualities or virtues but simply because there must be a choice and it is done for no specific reason, totally random.

This approach is not common, although the nature of the term also allows it.

The designation as an election mechanism has, on some occasions, a certain controversy or controversy. It occurs when there are not enough transparency guarantees in the designation process or in the event that the designation is considered unfair, as there is a candidate with greater merits than the one who has been appointed.

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