
definition of lingerie

Lingerie is understood to be all those garments that make up the underwear of the garment, but which also have delicacy and elegance in their designs as their main characteristic. Unlike underwear in general, the term lingerie is often used to describe feminine garments and also to refer to those that have a high level of sensuality, femininity and delicacy.

We can say that lingerie is a very recent element of fashion and clothing if we take into account that it, as such, only developed in the 19th century and especially in the 20th. Although there were already models of delicate underwear in times of the Rococo style, it did not have the importance that lingerie has today. On the one hand, the development of lingerie has to do with technological factors that are related to the perfection of materials and clothing design. On the other hand, a central factor for its development was the increase in the role of women in society and the appearance of the concept of sensuality in clothing. In this sense, the progressive liberation of women throughout the 20th century made it possible to understand female sensuality with greater understanding and acceptance, a phenomenon for which lingerie played an important role.

When we talk about lingerie, we are not talking about any type of clothing but rather garments that show greater delicacy, femininity and sensuality than others. This can be achieved from several elements. One of them has to do with the materials since lingerie is not usually made of basic use fabrics such as linen or cotton, but is usually made with more delicate and showy fabrics such as silk, satin, tulle, lace, etc. On the other hand, lingerie has more sensual and daring designs than the rest of the garments and although it covers the erogenous parts of the female body, depending on the circumstance, it can be more or less revealing and more or less daring.

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