
definition of indian

The term Indian It has different meanings, among them the following stand out ...

Natural inhabitant of the country India or any issue associated with this Asian country

Will be called indian to the natural inhabitant of India, or failing that, to any other issue that is linked to this Asian country.

The India is a nation that is located in South Asia and it is characterized by being the seventh largest country on the planet and the second most populated, with approximately more than one billion people living in it.

Its current form of government is a Federal Parliamentary Republic, while on the religious level we cannot ignore that this part of the world has been the cradle of ancestral religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, practiced and followed even today by millions of Indians and that also transcended the limits of this nation.

Although India is a developed economy in many aspects and levels, which speaks of its importance in the world, unfortunately, a large part of its population suffers from scourges of underdevelopment such as pandemics, malnutrition, illiteracy, among other social and health problems.

Original inhabitant of a territory

On the other hand, the Indian term also refers to the original and native settlers of America or any other territory, who were present before another nation, normally more powerful, conquer or colonize them; such a denomination was first imposed as a consequence of the confusion in which it incurred Christopher Columbus when he discovered the American continent in the fifteenth century, he believed he had reached the India, therefore, the native inhabitants of America they were called this way in the beginning and then the name was adopted and established as mainstream.

Later, with the confusion already turned into an anecdote, different denominations began to be promoted, including: indigenous peoples, native or aboriginal peoples of America, although the one considered correct is that of Native American. Still some still call these natives simply Indians.

The mistreatment and discrimination that historically was inflicted on the Indians after the conquest and to this day

Unfortunately, in some parts of America the word Indian is still used in a pejorative sense, with a certain intention of racial discrimination, therefore, it is that it has been chosen to use the names mentioned above.

But this inconsiderate treatment is not a current or recent issue, the indigenous peoples, or the Indians, to call them according to the review that occupies us, received a tremendous bad treatment and trampling as soon as the Spaniards set foot on the ground. American.

The European conquest, especially that carried out by the Spanish conquerors, was characterized by torturing, massacring and also taking away the cultural identity of the original settlers.

The economic desire to keep their considerable material wealth, and their lands, were the fundamental factors of the massacre and violence that they suffered until they were subdued and many were made to disappear.

Some of the indigenous communities that were able to overcome and survive continue to receive mistreatment and are unknown, not only by the community in which they live but also by the governments of the day that do not finish recognizing their lands; there are many who claim ownership in some areas, such as Wichi, in the Argentine province of Formosa.

This state of affairs leads them to live in marginal conditions, they do not want to leave their uses and customs, which is absolutely respectable and society therefore marginalizes them, as well as the political leadership who does not recognize that they are owners of some lands, and for not giving them to them subject them to the most cruel humiliations, unfortunately in this XXI century, already six centuries after the Spanish conquest that diminished them in every aspect.

Chemical element

Also, the word Indian is used to designate the chemical element with atomic number 49, which is located in the table in group 13 of the periodic table of the elements, it is symbolized by the following letters: In.

It is a metal that is not very abundant, malleable and easy to melt. In its chemical composition it bears some similarities with the aluminum and gallium, although it is more similar to zincIt is precisely the zinc mines that are the main sources from which this type of material is obtained.

It has different uses: coating of high-performance aircraft engines, alloys and welds in the electronics industry, although the most widespread use is that which makes it possible to form thin films that will later serve as lubricating films.

Another use is given at the request of the Astronomy and allows to refer to a star constellation.

And by his side, the expression do the indian It involves doing stupid things on the part of a person for fun. "Juan played the Indian all night, I don't know how he didn't get tired.”

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