
definition of authoritarianism

Political system that is based on total submission to authority

Authoritarianism is a political system that is founded on unconditional submission to the current authority, that is, to that which is in charge of the exercise of power.. The establishment of a series of norms or laws that have the clear and direct objective of restricting individual freedoms is the methodology of action of authoritarianism.

The concept is also widely used to refer to the abuse of authority by a government or any other group or person. The aforementioned is the most used reference of the concept.

Politically speaking, authoritarianism advocates an absolute government, be it absolutism, autocracy, despotism, dictatorship and totalitarianism. Although most authoritarianism is usually identified as proper and exclusive to those nations that only have a single political party, which of course is the ruler, also, reality has given us ample evidence that we can find it in those nations in which there is more than one party and the form of government is a democracy, veiled of course.

And on the other hand, the second use of the term authoritarianism says that in general terms, this is a modality of exercise of authority in social relations, in which one or some of its members, driven by irrationality, lack of interest in seeking consensus and the lack of foundations when having to explain why of some decisions, causes an alteration in the social order and their behavior and action will lead to a state of affairs in which oppression, the absence of freedom will prevail. The negative consequences of this modality of power, of course, will be suffered by a part of the social group that obviously does not agree with the non-open order promoted by the other part.

Abuse of power and limitation of individual freedoms

At whatever level and plane in which it is established, authoritarianism implies an attitude that expects the people in their charge to strictly comply with all the regulations that are imposed only by the fact that whoever exercises power or imposes the rules has a higher degree of authority over them.

Authoritarianism is also closely associated with the abuse of power and authority, which is almost always accompanied by violence and force, especially perpetrated against those who rebel and do not accept authority.

Meanwhile, the individual who exercises authoritarianism in some sense is popularly called authoritarian and among its main signs are the absence of empathy, charisma, appreciation and appreciation for those who are in charge, among the main ones.

In other words, the authoritarian is never close to, nor can he ever be compared to, charismatic leaders, because they are followed naturally and voluntarily by people because they feel that the leader loves, respects and values ​​them.

The political history of all the nations of the planet has in its pages some case of authoritarianism, of course, these are dark pages because authoritarianism we must say has nothing positive to offer but on the contrary, it is a way of exercising power arbitrarily, without consensus, without seeking the participation of all voices and this of course undermines freedoms and development possibilities. It is proven that those nations that are administered by an authority management show delay in every sense, politically of course and not to mention economically.

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