
definition of sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is understood to be that lifestyle that is characterized by staying in a more or less defined place as a habitat space. The development of a sedentary lifestyle has to do basically with reaching certain living conditions that have allowed human beings to lead a calmer and safer life by not being permanently dependent on the resources available around them.

Sedentarism characterized the human being only from the prehistoric period known as Neolithic. In this sense, we can say that prehistoric man lived around six thousand years as a nomad in search of new resources whenever they were depleted around him. The development of sedentarism had to do with the advent of certain causative phenomena, among which the discovery of agriculture was of primary importance.

The human being, by inventing the methods of agriculture, could stop depending on the resources that were around him to start producing his own food. This, added to the domestication of animals, the work of ceramics and the development of better tools, would transform the human being into a sedentary individual who could begin to enjoy a better quality of life.

Nowadays, the term sedentary lifestyle is also applied to a great extent to a modern lifestyle in which the enormous availability of technological facilities leads the average individual to develop a monotonous life, without movement and with minimal physical effort. Such a situation results in the increasingly evident presence of health complications such as obesity, diabetes or heart complications, even in minors or children. In addition, the consumption of foods with a high fat and caloric content, added to the constant use of technological devices, have allowed the advancement of ways of life in which physical, recreational and social activity is increasingly scarce.

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