
definition of interpretation

The term interpretation can refer to various issues. Generally speaking, an interpretation is the result of the action of interpreting. When someone interprets an event that happened or, failing that, some type of published material content begins to be understood and even expressed by that person to a new form of expression, being also in some way faithful to the object of that interpretation, to that process it will then be called interpretation.

Obviously the interpretation supposes a quite complex operation in which a multiplicity of factors, conditions, purposes and even situations intervene, which in turn multiplies the questions and problems around what is plausible of interpretation. For this reason, for example, it may happen that of the same fact or event there are not one but several interpretations, which, of course, will be determined by factors such as the origin of the interpreter, his social and economic situation, his cultural background, among other.

Basically it can be affirmed that there can be no understanding without first having an interpretation of that object of knowledge.

The interpretation, in addition, It turns out to be its own and fundamental activity in various fields. Journalism, art, psychology, philosophy, history, science and the respective investigations that this promotes, among other disciplines and activities, use interpretation as a fundamental tool when presenting conclusions, solutions or possible causes of those facts that they investigate or deal with.

Also and depending on the field in question, we can find that there are not many interpretations to make of a certain fact, especially when it comes to science, however, in the case of art the opposite happens, because art is so but so subjective that it will obviously arouse different interpretations and considerations in the different viewers, which of course and as we mentioned above will be determined by the previous experiences that the interpreting subject has.

Likewise, the events that can unfold in life usually have different interpretations depending on the eyes that see them.

Interpretation of languages

On the other hand, with the term of interpretation, the work carried out by certified translators to translate from one language to another orally.

Language interpretation is an activity that makes it easier for an individual or audience to know the message that an individual of another language has to express to them. In this sense, a professional who is dedicated to it, who knows exactly the language of the individual who exhibits and who is called an interpreter, will perform an interpretation of their words almost in unison but in the language spoken by the audience or interlocutor in order to spread your message.

It is worth noting that in addition to literally transmitting everything exposed in the original speech, the interpreter will consider all the additional aspects that surround that speech, such is the case of the information that was suggested or left implicit and the feelings shown by the speaker , and then in his interpretation he will also let them emerge, that is, it is not a simple and mere literal translator of what was said but his job is also to interpret and say what was not said verbally and was expressed in another way .

Normally they are confused or both concepts are used interchangeably, but it is worth making the clarification at the moment, that interpretation and translation do not mean the same thing, the concept of translation is used mostly for the written translation of a document for example and that it is done with time and not in real time and simultaneously as it happens with interpretation.

Although it may happen that the interpretation is carried out with a minimum delay or delay, that is, when the speaker has finished presenting his idea, this activity is always carried out almost simultaneously.

The interpretation of a character

Meanwhile, in the context of theater, cinema, or TV, interpretation is called representation of a certain character carried out by a professional actor. The performance of an actor on stage in the theater, in a movie, or on a television program is called by this concept.

For the interpretation to be successful and credible by the public, it is important that the actor or actress prepare for the role that they must act for a while before going on stage. That is, they must study the edges of the character in order to captivate the audience with their interpretation.

And also when you want to realize the performance of a piece of dance or music the word interpretation is used to refer to it. For example: Elton John's performance of the Queen classic Somebody was truly shocking.

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