
definition of astro

The concept has more than one use in our language, the first one that we will address belongs to the field of astronomy.

Astronomy: celestial body that has a certain shape such as a star, planet, satellite, comet ...

The word star allows us to refer to any celestial body that has a well-determined shape.

In the universe, where this type of body is found, there are a huge number of stars, which have been appropriately distinguished into categories by astronomers, and based on the characteristics and sizes they present, such as: stars, planets, brown dwarfs, comets, satellites and meteors.

Star classes

The star It is a plasma sphere that is in hydrostatic equilibrium and generates energy inside it through the action of various phenomena. During the night is when we best appreciate the stars, as luminous and twinkling points, meanwhile, the groupings of stars, plus their corresponding satellite systems are called as galaxies.

Meanwhile, a brown dwarf it is a sphere of gas; in terms of size, they occupy an intermediate place between planets and stars; they emit electromagnetic radiation and shine somewhat less than that of the sun, and their salient feature is that they can remain in main sequence for hundreds of millions of years.

On the other hand, a planet It is a celestial body that revolves around the stars and exhibits hydrostatic equilibrium. Eight planets are identified in the solar system: Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn.

On the other hand, a satelite It is any object that orbits around a certain planet, normally, the satellite is smaller with respect to the planet and usually accompanies the latter in its evolution around the sun. The moon is a satellite.

The kites, another category of stars, are celestial bodies that present sparse nuclei and that generally travel surrounded by a luminous trail comparable to a hair and a prolongation known as the tail, following elliptical and eccentric orbits around the sun.

And a meteor It is an atmospheric phenomenon, which can occur in different ways: aerial (wind), watery (rain or snow), luminous (rainbow) and electric (lightning, fire of santelmo), which occurs on the surface of the earth, with except for the clouds.

Astronomy studies the stars and the universe

Astronomy is the discipline that deals precisely with the study of the stars, it is dedicated to studying the universe in general, and with respect to the stars it focuses on their movements and their evolution.

The study of this subject is certainly millennial, it dates back to the beginnings of humanity and ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Greeks, were the first and those who were most concerned with studying what was happening or how the universe was composed and everything that happens beyond our planet earth.

The professional who is dedicated to this subject and is in charge of studying all these issues is called an astronomer, and makes use of various elements and tools when studying these issues in depth.

There were great astronomers throughout our history, who dedicated their lives to the study of the planet, the stars, and the universe, and who allowed progress in the knowledge of many relevant topics such as that achieved by Copernicus, who was responsible for asserting mathematically the most important principle of modern astronomy, and this is that the planet earth orbits around the sun, this being the center of the universe and not the earth as it was thought until it.

The theory developed by Copernicus was called Heliocentrism and is the basis on which all astronomical science is based.

Another great astronomer has been Galileo Galilei, who determined the lunar phases, the movements of the planets, and gravity, among others.

Person who excels in an activity or field

And on the other hand, in common parlance, the term star refers to that individual who stands out notably in the activity or field in which he performs.

Lionel Messi has become the new star of world football.”

That is to say, this sense is equivalent to saying that this or that are stars in the context in which they act. Generally, these areas are usually the aforementioned sports, acting, music, that is, contexts in which actions or activities are carried out that have a very popular impact, and then those people who stand out from the media go on to be considered as stars.

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