
definition of empowerment

The concept of empowerment can be found in two quite different cases with respect to its meaning. One of the two cases is when we speak, in an abstract way, of the empowerment that a thing, person or situation can signify of characteristics that it already possesses, such as when it is said that a bond between two people can serve to empower their already existing attributes. The second case in which it is very common to use the word empowerment is the one that has to do with the field of mathematics when we talk about numbers or figures that are raised to powers and then fall under the effect of the phenomenon of empowerment.

To better understand each of the cases mentioned, we can say that empowerment understood in the abstract sense is an action that makes a quality or characteristic of a person, an object, a situation deepened, highlighted so that it stands out even more. Thus, for example, a very shy person can see that shyness enhanced from specific situations: when they are put in front of the public. This idea of ​​empowerment is very common in the workplace since it is usually sought in it to enhance the useful qualities of employees to improve the results and performance they have on their tasks to be carried out.

The other meaning of the word empowerment is that which has to do with the mathematical phenomenon by which a number x is raised to a power x as well and is thus transformed into another greater number. It is clear that empowerment in mathematics also involves the idea of ​​giving greater value or greater strength to something that already exists, in this case a specific figure or number. The simplest potentiation operation occurs when a number x is natural, in which case the power to which it is raised will be the multiplication of its same value as many times as the power indicates. Thus, a 3 squared will be a three multiplied twice by itself. In specific terms, the phenomenon of empowerment in mathematics tells us about two figures: the base (the number to multiply) and the exponent (the power or number of times that the base must be multiplied by itself).

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