
definition of self-actualization

Self-actualization shows the desire to seek happiness in a personal way, that desire to live the life that one really yearns for.

The desire for self-realization is motivated by the personal search that every human being undertakes throughout his life since personal expectations and the answers to the most important questions can also change according to the personal situation of the moment.

Meet objectives

Feeling fulfilled implies being satisfied with oneself in the present through the fulfillment of specific objectives. This self-realization can be analyzed independently in different areas of life: partner, friends, work and leisure time. It can happen that a person feels fulfilled on a professional level while experiencing enormous personal frustration.

However, what is truly important is the balance that arises internally when taking into account different areas of life to assess the degree of objective satisfaction.

Self-realization shows the existential vocation that each person must discover in order to find themselves and unfold their existence according to their own concerns and motivations. One of the greatest symptoms of a happy life when reaching old age is looking at the past making a positive balance of the journey, lovingly appreciating one's own existence according to a biography that shows a coherence between thought, feeling and action.

The value of freedom

Self-realization increases when people live closer to the plane of facts than to the plane of ideas. When they dare to face their fears to closely touch their desires without putting them on the waiting list as if there would always be a better time than now.

The reality is that there is no better moment than this to fight for what really moves your heart and love yourself without limits. Self-actualization shows the value of true freedom since each person has the ability to become the best version of himself. But this freedom is also a conquest. To raise your personal fulfillment you can ask yourself some questions: What makes me happy? What can I do to achieve this goal? What am I willing to do to fight for my happiness?

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