
what is karaoke »definition and concept

It is designated as karaoke to that machine that transmits only the music of the musical themes of recognized groups and artists so that individuals can put their voice and interpretation to them, while, at the same time that the music is emitted, the machine also broadcasts on a screen the lyrics of the song so that the performer in question can follow it.

Machine that plays the music of a song for someone to interpret while the lyrics of the song are displayed on a screen

And we also use the word karaoke to refer to that physical place in which there is a machine with the characteristics mentioned above so that customers can have a fun time, celebrate a special event, among other events, interpreting famous songs.

Entertainment venues where karaoke is practiced

These establishments, known as pubs, or karaoke bars, also offer the sale of drinks and food with which the attendees can also delight themselves while they sing and dance the songs they interpret.

The base of musical themes that karaoke has is very broad with the mission of satisfying the preferences of each of the attendees.

Generally, attendance at these types of places is done in a group of friends and then each friend goes up in different turns to sing the songs of their interest.

Through a paper in which the song to be sung is indicated, the formal request is made.

Meanwhile, when his turn comes the karaoke manager will summon him to the stage to perform the song he asked to sing.

It should be noted that the enormous popularity that the practice of karaoke has gained has generated that many dance venues and bars include this activity in some special events, and also, in the festivities of events, such as: weddings, birthdays of 15, baptisms, among others, a karaoke machine is often installed to entertain guests.

Japanese origin

As for the origin of this peculiar playful activity, it is located in Japan, the country in which it was born and in which it soon became a hyper popular entertainment that, as we already know, would spread beyond its own borders.

Precisely the word comes from the Japanese language, where kara refers to void, and oke, is the abbreviation that in this language is used to designate the word orchestra.

Together they make up the name of this machine and of the space in which it is used, as we have already pointed out.

The Japanese singer Daisuke Inoue He was the pioneer in the use of this type of equipment, and as time went by, as he observed how people despaired of using them, he began to rent them.

At the beginning, these machines worked with the introduction of coins, and it was the entertainment venues who rented them as an attraction to entertain and offer a different show to their customers.

Undoubtedly, the secret of karaoke success is that the common person has the possibility of becoming a musical artist for a few minutes, getting on stage and singing the song of their favorite group or soloist, in front of a heterogeneous audience. that you may or may not know, but that you will undoubtedly have fun, even if you are not a professional, because all those who participate have the purpose of having fun and not of competing for who sings the best.

Machine composition

The first karaokes worked through tapes and then new technologies began to be incorporated, as in everything else, and that is how CDs, laserdiscs and DVDs were added.

The karaoke machine is made up of an input for the audio, a pitch modifier, a voice suppression system to remove the singer's voice from the song, a television-like screen on which the person who will perform the song can follow the lyrics of the same, in the cases in which it is unknown, and the audio output.

Karaoke on TV and at home

We cannot ignore that television was known to be a great diffuser of this entertainment since many game shows or programs practiced it in their respective spaces, obtaining an important favor from the audience who liked to see ordinary people interpreting popular themes.

And of course the computer and the internet have their own thing ... counting on a computer and an internet connection it is possible, today, to bring karaoke to your home.

You download a special program and voila, you can start singing.

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