
definition of incompatibility

Is named incompatibility to inability that someone observes, either to unite or to exist together with another.

This sense of the term includes what is known as incompatible characters. It should be noted that the aforementioned incompatibility of characters turns out to be one of the most frequent causes that are adduced or argued at the time of the presentation of the demand for a divorce, that is, the spouses who request divorce protected in this case, normally, justify their decision based on the presentation of concrete facts, evidence, that show the unhappiness and social disturbance that their union reports to each of them. Among the stars of the Hollywood star system, the incompatibility of characters has become the most widespread cause of high-profile divorces in recent years.

On the other hand, the word incompatibility is used to account for the legal difficulty that exists for a person to hold two positions at the same time. For example, the fact of performing as a public official will imply an incompatibility to carry out some other activity in the private sphere. In case of ignoring such situation, the official in question would be committing a very serious offense that must be sanctioned.

On the other hand, in medicine, the Rh incompatibility it's a type of hemolytic disease suffered by the newborn and that is triggered when the mother has Rh negative blood and the unborn baby has, on the contrary, Rh positive blood. When the baby's red blood cells meet the mother's bloodstream in the placenta, the mother's immune system recognizes the fetal cells as a foreign substance and will then generate antibodies against them, destroying the red blood cells in the placenta. around.

The concept of incompatibility is directly opposed to that of compatibility, which refers to the quality of compatible which is the same as saying that this or that has the aptitude or ability to be, develop and succeed together with another or other individuals.

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