
definition of remittance

The concept of remittance is a concept that is used to refer to the act of sending something, usually abroad. In most cases, remittances are made in the form of capital or money that is sent from one country to another for different purposes. In other cases, the remittance can also be another type of shipment of any other item, although this is not the largest of the cases.

The most common use of the term remittance is when we talk about a transfer of money that a person or individual makes from one country to another, usually from the country where they are to another where their family is still, as a means of payment for that it can subsist in your absence. Remittances at the individual level are a very important movement of money if we take into account that in the last century the emigration rate from one country to another has increased a lot and that in most cases the immigrants who arrive in a country go through a first stage of adaptation in which only the man or father of the family travels while the wife and children remain in their place of origin, receiving this money constantly to pay for expenses.

It is considered that money remittances to foreign countries occupy the second place of the most important financial movements on the planet after international aid that can be given in crisis situations (both from non-governmental organizations and also from fiscal organizations). Thus, remittances keep capital in constant motion and are the cause of much of the movement of money across seas.

Countries show greater or lesser variability in the list of remittances sent or received depending on their momentary economic, political and social situation. Thus, when countries are in deep crisis, a greater inflow of remittances is observed from those native inhabitants who have had to leave the place to get a better future elsewhere. On the contrary, the countries with greater stability will not present such a large inflow of remittances, but rather will be the place from which these remittances originate in greater numbers.

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