
definition of garbage

Mostly, we use this word as a synonym for the words residue and waste, to precisely name all those products or materials that people decide to discard because they are not more useful to us.

Waste that we discard because it is no longer useful

The agreed use and custom indicates that every time we want to get rid of something that we will no longer use, be it part of a food, a material or a product, we will place it, at home, at work, or in any other place where we find ourselves, in a basket, can, covered with a bag, specially designed for this purpose.

How to properly dispose of garbage to avoid contamination

Then, when the bag contained in the basket is full, it is closed, and it will be placed in the physical space that the municipal, provincial or national authority has to deposit such materials.

Then the bag will be removed by personnel who have the task of moving it to those spaces dedicated to their meeting, such as: sanitary landfills, among others.

It should be noted that the care and treatment given to this type of issue is very important, since it directly affects the health of the population.

As we know, accumulated and poorly disposed garbage is a breeding ground for the spread of bacteria, therefore, a conscious and organized evacuation of it will contribute to maintaining the cleanliness and health of all.

It is important that we follow the government's recommendations to evacuate garbage, always inside the corresponding bag and avoiding that it is left in exposed places that do not correspond.

Recycling: a practice that allows waste to be reused and thus reduce the environmental impact and the consumption of non-renewable natural resources

As a consequence that what we throw in the garbage can be a waste for us, but not for the rest, and therefore it can be recycled, is that in recent years the classification of garbage has become widespread in many parts of the world in different categories in order to make it simpler to discriminate what can be recycled and what cannot be.

Recycling or recycling is a procedure that consists of selecting those materials or waste that are discarded but that can be reused again with an intervention.

In this way, the use of exhaustible raw materials can be reduced, the indiscriminate use of which has a negative impact on the environment, not to mention the pollution that many production processes generate.

Recycling many times prevents the use of natural resources, because what it does is use those that were discarded and reuse them.

There are many wastes that we consider useless but that are still very useful, so recovering them to turn them into a new product, or continue using them for the same purpose, is a hyper-friendly practice with the environment that we must all follow and promote at this point of the events where we are being spectators of the disastrous consequences that the neglect of waste is having on our planet.

It is estimated that 90% of the waste that we throw away can be reused, and in this way we will be eliminating from our planet an enormous amount of waste that negatively impacts the environment and generates pollution.

Recycling a material such as paper, for example, prevents trees from being cut down indiscriminately, because recycling paper generates a new paper that can be used and we will be saving a tree ...

On the other hand, recycling glass saves energy, to name a few of the most emblematic cases.

Educate and promote recycling

But of course, if there is not a global awareness about this procedure, it will not be possible to advance in a good sense.

Education is essential to awaken the conscience of society, transmit to them that if they classify waste, they will be saving and preserving natural resources so that they can continue to be used by future generations.

This teaching and the aforementioned practice must be an obligation and a commitment that all people, adults and children, must assume, because the vitality and health of our planet is essential to preserve ours.

Person who behaves in an unpleasant way

And in colloquial language we also find another particular reference for the word garbage, since in addition to implying dirt, waste or filth, it is used to designate that individual who behaves in a despicable way, without morals and without observing a single virtue, or to account for that thing or question that causes displeasure.

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