
definition of concise

The word concise we use it when we want to express that a argument, statement, comment, is characterized by being brief, concrete and not far-fetched, that is to say, goes directly to the point in question, does not go around, or detours.

Comment or brief, concrete, not far-fetched statement that is made about something

Likewise, to people who are characterized by manifesting in this way, we say that they are concise.

Being concise will mean not dwelling on secondary or accessory issues that do not have to do with the central and important issue that is being addressed, not getting into detours, hesitations that postpone or complicate what is being communicated and that then finally generates that communication It is not simple, nor clean, nor clear for the interlocutors.

It is common for it to happen that when a person uses a very flowery way of expression, which sounds good, of course, and is pleasant to hear, the listener, at some point, gets lost in all the talk.

When the exposition is clear, short, and points to the essentials, it is almost always satisfactorily understood.

It is essential that we take into account, and that anyone who must address an audience also does so, consider in advance the characteristics and profile of their audience in order to know how they should address them, a larger audience is not the same as one made up of teenagers.

The times that are available are also important, because if the time is short there will be no other option than to go straight to the point, as is popularly said, and address the topic of interest, being justly concise and leaving aside any type of accessory question, focusing on it will take our time, and as we know in advance that is what we do not have.

Generally, reviews, reports, brochures and editorials should be written in a concise way, because without a doubt this attributes them an enormous effectiveness in the communicative objective.

When redundant and unimportant explanations abound, you run the risk of losing the reader's interest.

We must emphasize that the concept is used mostly associated with communication and expression, when it is characterized by the brief, precise and exact manifestation of the question.

Also, when something presents conciseness we consider it to be concise.

Conciseness is nothing other than brevity and precision with which someone expresses himself orally or in writing.

Therefore, both concepts are linked to the expression and use of language.

Although there is no rule that establishes the conciseness of a speech, for example, it can be easily detected if that speech stands out for addressing important issues and considered in the topic of interest.

When, on the contrary, this does not occur, it will speak of extension and lack of conciseness.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that there are issues or issues that require detailed explanation and set aside conciseness in order to be effectively understood by the public.

In some situations, extreme conciseness can hinder the correct understanding of a topic and that of course is useless.

An example will help us to see the concept well ...

If we asked a coworker how did your father's operation go? And instead of answering first with a yes and going directly to the question, she replied that the operation began at ten in the morning, that beforehand they did some analysis, that when the operation was finished she went to dinner with the rest of his family, of course, will not be an answer that is characterized by its conciseness.

It is worth mentioning that although for some people it is ideal to meet interlocutors who are characterized precisely by their conciseness, there are also others who may interpret this form as a trait of parsimony and as such they will perceive the person as grim.

Among the most used synonyms for this word stands out that of briefMeanwhile, the opposing concept is that of extensive, because precisely it has a great extension and nothing of brevity.

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