
calligram definition

The writing shows how the expressive capacity of people helps to express concrete creativity.

One of the most visual ways of expressing a specific message is through a calligram that draws through the words a specific figure that is the one that plays a leading role in the text. It is a very innovative art form that offers a very careful aesthetic aspect for a poem.

What is the purpose of unifying image and text?

Expressing a message through visual poetry, that is, communicating the essence of the poetic self through the sense of sight. When the person carefully reads the message of the text and enjoys the image of the calligram, they realize that there is a harmony between both planes, that is, what the text expresses and what the image represents is exactly the same.

Visual poetry

The origin of this visual poetry is avant-garde when, at the beginning of the 20th century, innovation in artistic production began to be promoted. It is a turning point with respect to traditional poetry. A turning point that brings a certain pictorial air to the poem.

While poetry is a genre that can be dense for some readers who feel little identified with this type of literature or have difficulties to understand the message that the poet wants to express, on the contrary, the calligram is a very interesting poetic form that It allows an easier pedagogical way to understand an idea since the image becomes a reinforcement of the text message.

Fun way to make poetry

These types of visual poems are especially popular with children and adolescents since they show a fun way to learn poetry. Currently, there are computer programs that allow these calligrams to be made using technological resources, however, in their origins, these poems were made by hand. They are very creative and ingenious poems loaded with beauty in which the image is appreciated first, compared to the text. Through Google you can find different models of calligrams that will help you appreciate this different poetry that reaches the mind and heart of the reader.

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