
definition of actuality

The word present is a term that in our language allows to refer to present time, to what is happening now, that is, to those events, events, that occur at the time of commenting on them, or at that action that is carried out at the moment, it can be called as actuality.

On the other hand, the word actuality is usual that we also use it to dedicate to that fact that at a certain time triggers the attention of a significant number of people. For example, in the mass media it is common to hear that such a journalist or columnist will bring all the news on politics, sports, the police, among other options.

Then, the counterparts of the concept of actuality would be the past and the future, because the first indicates those events that have already happened in relation to a certain time, while the future implies what has not yet happened and is expected to happen in time.

Meanwhile, there are many synonyms that the word at hand has, while we will deal with the ones we use the most in our language, such as: novelty, today, now and fashion.

A novelty implies what is new, that is heard or that is seen for the first time and that also makes a difference with respect to what was known. Also when something is incorporated into a group or context it is said to be a novelty.

For its part, fashion, designates the use or custom that is imposed in a certain place and present time and that is characterized by being adopted by an important portion of society, which makes it spread fabulously.

On the current side, it is undoubtedly one of the most popular words in our language when it comes to having to refer to the present time and the current moment.

And something similar to what happens with today also happens with the word now because it is another of the most common ways of talking about the current time, about what is happening at the moment it is mentioned or seen.

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