
definition of social service

Unfortunately we live in a world in which social inequality abounds and in which there are many people who suffer from hunger and lack of opportunities in every sense. In the meantime and now, fortunately, there are a lot of people who have a lot of social conscience, solidarity and love for their neighbor and then they dedicate a large part of their hours and existence to helping those who need it most. With money, with restraint, with affection and a lot of love, are some of the ways with which they usually help ...

Then, it is formally known as social service to this help that we mentioned above and that some citizens provide at a certain moment to the state, an institution or directly to the most needy in general, collaborating in the performance of jobs or activities that have to do with with the social.

Although there are many people who help, who perform a social service and do it autonomously, that is, without the company or the institutional framework of an entity, that is, they collaborate directly with an institution, with a home, it is important that Let us mention that in recent years a huge number of non-profit organizations (NGOs) have been born that offer assistance or aid at various levels and situations and stand out for presenting an impeccable organization to carry out this action.

So, as this type of organization proliferates, many people have turned to participate in them and from there they deploy their social service.

It should be noted that one of its fundamental characteristics is that it is a type of service, work, unpaid for those who practice it, being above all voluntary. In other words, all those who carry out social work do not receive remuneration for doing it, far from it, but they do it completely free of charge and for the simple satisfaction of helping those who need it.

Values ​​such as solidarity, mutual help, unity, the struggle in common and in favor of the rights of the most unprotected are those that are most observed in those who deploy or provide a social service.

Generally, it will be those areas, regions or territories that are most vulnerable at an economic and resource level in which this practice of social service is most carried out and carried out. In these places, in addition to the lack of economic resources that allow them to satisfy their basic needs, such as eating, dressing, access to health care, among others, there are other needs such as education and that is so important to be able to leave. Later in life, then, social work basically provides assistance to the first aspects mentioned above and basic to maintain life, but also in order to satisfy these cultural and educational deficiencies.

There are also specific communities and social groups in our community that stand out for a greater degree of vulnerability and that is where the performance of social service is especially directed. Among them we can mention prisons, one of the places most in need when it comes to instilling new habits of conduct, while the social work that is deployed there can help a lot when it comes to the reintegration of prisoners into society. Offering them expectations, alternatives to crime is obviously a challenge for this type of work and it can also be of great help so that these people can return to the community with another scenario ahead, much more encouraging indeed.

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