
definition of stubborn

The word obstinate is used as a qualifying adjective to give an account of that individual who is characterized by his stubbornness, tenacity or perseverance.

Person who is characterized by perseverance, tenacity or by his stubbornness and stubbornness

So, the term stubborn finds two very different uses, one could say that it presents a sense broadly positive while the other is negative.

In the case of the use of the word in a negative sense, it is normally used when you want to realize that a person is extremely capricious, that he always wants to be right and impose his ideas even when he is totally wrong, is otherwise stupid and stubborn.

Juan ignored our warnings that a very strong storm would break out at night, he left with the car and finally stopped halfway. Laura is so stubborn that it exasperates.”

Meanwhile, if the word is used in a positive sense, it will allow us to give an account of that person who, despite the various and complex difficulties that life presents, continues to struggle to achieve its goals in life, for example, in a context academic in which Juan studies every time it is necessary, attends all subjects and also obtains excellent grades in the exams and all this he fulfills to the letter even having to work to pay for his studies, that is, that stubbornness that he presents to achieve His goal in life, which is to be received as soon as possible, makes him a stubborn individual.

Always, in any context, when there is a person who puts a lot of impetus to achieve his mission in life even when the fact that it takes place implies submitting to difficult tests and situations, he will be called stubborn.

Linked with tenacity and also with stubbornness

Here there is a close relationship with tenacity, a highly positive value because it leads those who dispose it to act beyond the adversities and obstacles that are presented in front of them.

Therefore, when someone is stubborn, it can bring both positive and negative results, that is, it will depend directly on the predisposition that they present: good or bad.

On the other hand, we must say that the stubborn remains firm in a position even though it has been proven false or equivocal.

In this sense, stubbornness is linked to stubbornness, a tendency to repeat a behavior, generally in an irrational way.

The stubborn will always pretend that his will be done despite the fact that reality and people show him and shout that he is wrong.

The social problems that stubbornness can develop

This behavior can sometimes be dangerous both for the person observing the behavior and for third parties, since such an iron stance of not accepting mistakes or advice from the experience of others can lead to a reckless action that ends up hurting him. and those around him.

Obstinacy always goes against learning and the common good, only his own interest prevails and that things be done as he says and wants.

Here we find a close relationship with the whim since you want everything to be done according to what your will dictates.

This type of attitude is usually very uncomfortable and received as hostile by people who live around the stubborn, it is certainly annoying to have to deal with someone who always wants to be right even if they are not in the least.

Lack of self-criticism is sure to alienate people and the stubborn often ends up socially isolated.

It is undoubtedly a great personality defect, when it implies this attitude of always wanting to be right, which if not corrected in time, can, as we have already said, generate certain problems in social relationships for those who suffer from it.

The main difference between the positive and negative sense of this concept is that in the first case the person is able to review their behavior and modify it to succeed or achieve their goal, while in the second case there is an impossibility of going back in what it is done and often even blamed on others for their own failures.

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