
definition of society

The society is the totality of individuals who keep relationships with each other. Thus, people share a series of cultural features that allows to achieve the cohesion of the group, establishing common goals and perspectives. The discipline that focuses on the study of societies is sociology, relying on history, anthropology, economics, etc.

Socialization is typical of nature of man. Indeed, since their appearance on the face of the earth, men have sought to make alliances and maintain relationships with each other in order to protect themselves from inclement weather, to produce goods, to guard against dangers, etc. In addition, both the development of technical advances and the refinement of knowledge that the human race has had from the beginning, have always prospered thanks to its social and collective character.

Some experts argue that human society originates, from an evolutionary perspective, in the characteristic social models of other mammals. Unlike the social structures of other species (among which insects stand out), canids, especially wolves, cetaceans and primates, have societies in which there is the possibility of mobility and displacement among their members. Thus, in wolf packs, an inferior male can become an "alpha male" by displacement, illness, or death of the leader. Similarly, groupings of different higher apes have similarities to human society. In any case, human beings count as the only tool that is represented by oral and written language, which characterize our mode of communication.

Indeed, this constant interaction between men is due to the use of symbols; serving as an example, communication through language it has been the primary base on which all social relationships are based. This ability to use symbols must also be seen as natural and innate. Indeed, if we consider the plurality of languages ​​that populate and populated the world, despite the differences, it is possible to highlight characteristics common to all of them.

In the past, societies were organized around small groups of people, maintaining tribal characteristics. Over time, they became more complex, adopting a greater number of members and establishing new relationships inside. Currently, companies are often called "mass”, Due to their extraordinary number, and are supported by an explosion of information-oriented technologies as a consequence of the consolidation of capitalism.

Other attempts at social models have been installed at certain historical moments, with varying degrees of success and, in general, with an inexorable tendency to fail. In this sense, the feudal society, characteristic of Medieval Europe and the cultures of the Far East during the Modern Age, stands out. In this model, social mobility was virtually impossible, since the ownership of the land by the feudal lords marked a position of power that was insurmountable for the common population. Another non-capitalist social model consists of societies with a communist foundation, in which an attempt was made, in a theoretical way, to eliminate the differences between social states; however, these models failed successively in different cultures, to persist, with numerous changes and reforms, in a few nations in the 21st century.

The future of the evolution of societies is still very uncertain. Beyond the undoubted progress that the current order shows, the greatest difficulty remains without a doubt the large number of people who, amid abundance and knowledge, are kept in a segregated position. The societyIn this sense, it seeks through the structure of the State an alternative to eliminate the accentuated asymmetries that are described among its members. Thus, through the enactment of laws and regulations, an attempt is made to ensure that all members of society have the same opportunity for work, access to basic resources, health, education and individual freedoms. However, the growing influence of non-governmental organizations is also seen in many cases as an opportunity for the improvement of societies, based on volunteering and solidarity between people. Consequently, the evolution of the society It still has a true open ending, in which the influence of a wide variety of actors is recognized, who influence to find a more suitable path for everyone.

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