
definition of geometry

The geometry it is one of the branches of mathematics that deals with the study of the properties of space such as: points, planes, polygons, lines, polyhedra, curves, surfaces, among others.

Among the various purposes that originated it far away in what was Ancient Egypt are: the solving problems related to measurements, such as the theoretical justification of measurement elements such as the compass, pantograph and theodolite.

Although also with time and thanks to the advances that were made in its study, geometry Today it is the theoretical foundation of other issues such as the Global Positioning System, more than anything when this is in combination with mathematical analysis and differential equations and it is also very useful and consulted in the preparation of designs such as technical drawing or for the assembly of handicrafts.

As we said above the birth of this discipline dates back to Ancient Egypt, the classical geometry based on axioms that prevailed in those days used the compass and the ruler to study the different constructions.

As the geometry is not plausible of errors, it is that axiomatic systems were developed that proposed a decrease in the error and supposed an extremely rigorous method. The first axiomatic system arrived as it could not be otherwise with who today is considered as the father of Geometry, the Greek mathematician Euclid.

His work The Elements compiles his teachings in the academic world of that time and is one of the best known works and the one that has given the world the most turns.

In this one, Euclid raises several postulates and theorems that are still valid today in school education, so many of you, if you did not fall asleep during the geometry hours, will be able to recognize them.

So what we will quote below and that several will recognize, we owe it purely and exclusively to Euclid: for two points only a straight line can be drawn, every rectilinear segment can be prolonged indefinitely, all right angles are equal, the sum of the interior angles of any triangle is equal to 180 ° and in a right triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs and we could continue, but we do not want to emphasize the geometry teacher.

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