
definition of hospitality

Industry that provides food and accommodation to tourists and travelers

The hospitality industry is undoubtedly the industry par excellence when it comes to providing tourists and travelers with the basic and necessary services when they go on a leisure or business trip, such is the case of: accommodation, food and many others services, in exchange for a stipulated payment.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, there was, there is and there will be a fantastic demand for the aforementioned issues by tourism, then, this led to the phenomenal development of the hospitality industry in almost the entire world.

Of course, in some places on the planet that boast unique scenic charms or special activities for tourism, the industry is much more relevant.

Establishments directly linked to the hospitality industry

Then, within the vast universe of the hospitality industry, we can include traditional hotels, the newest creations: hostels and boutique hotels, pensions, hostels, rural houses, bars, restaurants, still lifes, food houses, among others and in what concerns accommodation and feeding.

Then, it may be that we find other establishments dedicated to food and that offer tourists or travelers a specific specialty, such is the case of hamburgers, pizzerias, chocolate shops, ice cream parlors, among others.

Other services

But of course we cannot ignore that evolution and progress have brought man innumerable amount of services and elements that add to his quality of life and comfort, meanwhile, when we leave home and go in search of the long-awaited vacation relaxation In many cases, we will continue to need those everyday things that make our lives more comfortable and that is why currently hotels, etc., offer additional services to their guests so that they feel comfortable and of course so that they decide to return. !, among them: internet with Wi Fi, refrigerators, microwave, daily cleaning service, bedding.

We should also highlight that the accommodations that offer full services and premiums are much more expensive.

Career that trains professionals who will work in the hospitality industry

The term can also designate the career being studied to perform professionally in the hotel business.

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