
farm definition

The name of the farm is the one that is applied to a certain type of establishment that takes place in rural areas and that is dedicated to the production of some type of agricultural or livestock element. Farms are usually establishments located on rather large lands, with a habitable center, large tracts of land and other establishments related to production such as dairy farms, mills, silos, etc. The farm can also be a type of real estate that is not dedicated to production and that is more than anything a type of luxurious property of the highest sectors of society.

When we talk about farms we are referring to a type of property that in most cases has to do with agricultural and livestock production. The name is common especially in Spain and in some Latin American countries such as Argentina or Uruguay, but not in all since each country has a different name for this type of establishment. One of the main characteristics of the farm is that it is a clearly delimited land, thus seeking to establish the private property that a person or a group of people may have on that land. The limitation that this property may have may or may not be visible, that is, it may appear officially on the property titles.

As said at the beginning, farms can have different functionalities. Although the most common are those that are established for the production of agricultural or livestock elements (in which case they always require large areas of land), many farms are simply recreational and relaxing spaces, understood as summer or vacation properties for people who live permanently in urban spaces and who seek the tranquility of the rural environment at specific times. These farms tend to dedicate much more space to habitable buildings such as handles, barbecue areas, etc. and they can also have numerous recreational spaces such as pools, sports fields, etc.

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