
definition of ominous

The adjective ominous comes from the Latin word ominosus, which literally means bad omens. As for its meaning, it indicates that something or someone is despicable for some reason. There are many synonymous words, such as abominable, mean, reprehensible, repulsive, detestable, sinister or abject. It is a cultured word that is not commonly used in colloquial language. Its most common use is in legal terminology, where undesirable and illegal behaviors are referred to as ominous behaviors.

Contexts in which it is used

Violent and aggressive behaviors are generally rejected by the majority of society. They are valued very negatively because violence expresses contempt, hatred and aggressiveness. In this sense, any form of violence can be classified as ominous behavior.

Disrespectful attitudes towards others are also ominous, as is the case with bullying or bullying, workplace bullying or mobbing, cruelty to animals, etc.

Sometimes some periods in history are characterized by drama and violence

In this sense, in the history of Spain the label of "the ominous decade" is used to refer to the restoration of absolutism between 1823 and 1833.

Unfortunate and tragic situations can also be qualified with this adjective. Thus, it is said that "it was the most ominous year for Venezuela" or there is talk of the "ominous impact of environmental pollution."

In most societies, certain acts are considered taboo, that is, something intolerable and ominous, such as incest, the desecration of holy places, the use of certain words or certain crimes.

Anything that is considered ominous causes shame and unease

Although the language contexts in which this adjective is used are diverse, there is one element in common in all of them, the shame that ominous attitudes produce.

Human behavior has two opposite extremes. There are noble and virtuous behaviors and others that express the worst of the human being. Anything that is classified as ominous becomes something that threatens the dignity of people. Therefore, it is logical that in legal language this adjective is used to qualify undesirable behaviors and that cause a generalized rejection.

Photos: Fotolia - Liusa / Andrey Kiselev

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