
definition of firmness

The word firmness allows us to refer to the stability and strength that an individual presents as a salient feature of his personality, way of being, and also to the integrity and constancy that he observes in his activities.

Stability, strength, integrity and constancy that someone has

Now, we must also say that the concept is usually applied to things or objects and when this is the case, it will imply that they have the quality of firm, which is the same as saying that they are solid and well-established elements that are not at all fragile.

If we say of a table that it is firm, it is because it does not present any type of movements or oscillations in its table or in its legs.

When the tables are not in good condition, the first manifestation of this is movement and oscillation.

Once this has happened, they will need one restoration per case. The passage of time, blows or any other event can cause these problems of lack of stability on a table.

Firmness also applies to land, to buildings and when it is wanted to indicate that a person is already on the earth's surface after having traveled by plane, for example: “Maria is already on the mainland, her plane arrived at nine o'clock in the morning".

Overcome fears and persevere in goals

Now returning to its application to people, we will say that whoever has firmness in their actions, thinking, etc., is because they have finally managed to overcome the fears that certain situations or circumstances sometimes arouse in human beings. So, those who show firmness will not give up in the face of difficulties that threaten to upset their mission, but on the contrary, firmness gives that quota of perseverance that is needed to achieve the proposed objectives.

Firmness is a quality of a person's character, which not everyone possesses, and which is attributed especially to that person who acts without hesitation or doubts, knows what he wants, and how he wants to achieve it.

The person firmly does not allow himself to be bent by anyone or anything, nor is he an influenceable person. The malleable people in matters of character are easy to convince to modify their opinions, something that does not happen of course with a person who has firmness.

Generally, the person who is firm is usually seen as more tough and implacable and does little to modify their postures. And of course this is so, but it does not imply that the person is bad.

This confusion usually exists between people and many times the firm person is seen as tough or lacking in sensitivity and this can be a mistake.

From the aforementioned lines it follows that also from the word firmness, we will be able to account, in those cases that deserve it, of the perseverance and integrity that someone had to achieve their goals. For example, of that individual who, in order to present his thesis to finally obtain his undergraduate degree, devoted himself fully and exclusively to it, researching, studying, compiling documentary material and was never distracted in his objective, we will say then with all criteria and fairness that he dedicated himself with great firmness in achieving his objective, which was the realization of his thesis.

Native dance of Argentina

And it is also called as firmness to that native dance of Argentina, which is especially characterized by the enormous expressive flow that it proposes and which began to spread around the year 1850 with special emphasis on rural environments and on the shores of the city of Buenos Aires.

It is a courtship dance that can be carried out as a single partner or independently; It has extremely lively movements, the basic step begins with the left foot, is accompanied by chattering, shaking position and stomping.

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