
definition of solar energy

Solar Energy is that energy that is obtained by capturing the light and heat emitted by the sun. That energy that emanates from the sun, human beings can convert into useful energy, that is, either to heat something or to produce electricity, among the most common and relevant applications that are carried out with it.

All the events that occur around us are the result of the intervention of some source of energy

Energy is what moves the world and the universe and it does not stop transforming. Thus, sound can be transformed into electrical energy, food provides energy to our body and the engine of a vehicle transforms fuel into kinetic energy. All energy sources come in one way or another from the Sun and, more specifically, from solar energy.

The fundamental idea of ​​solar energy

Heat from the Sun is a form of energy. When we take the Sun we feel heat because we absorb the solar rays of thermal energy. This energy travels more than 100 million kilometers through space and finally reaches Earth. The heat emitted by the Sun travels towards the Earth in the form of rays, the so-called thermal rays (this propagation of heat is known as thermal radiation).

According to different studies, each year, the sun produces 4 thousand times more energy than human beings are capable of consuming, for which its potential is truly unlimited and one of the most developed and used renewable energies in almost the entire world.

The intensity of the aforementioned energy available at a certain point on planet earth will depend on the day of the year, the time and the latitude, although it will also affect the amount of energy that can be collected, the orientation of the receiving device.

Transformation tools

The devices that are most used at the request of solar thermal energy are the solar stoves and water heatersOn the other hand, to produce electricity, what is used are the Solar cells, which become the soul of the solar panels and that they are the ones that ultimately have the mission of transforming it into electrical energy.

Although those mentioned are the most recurrent uses that you observe, solar energy is not limited to this only, but there are many other uses such as: water purification, drying, solar stoves, refrigeration, distillation and evaporation.

As can be seen from the aforementioned, the uses of this type of energy are various and very important, and new technologies continue to investigate and every day a new way of taking advantage of it is discovered. Likewise, it is one of the renewable energies in which more investments are being made; The dozens of solar farms that are built in the world with the purpose of transforming said energy into electricity are magnificent.

On the other hand, as it is a green energy, when using it, it is helping to combat the dangerous global warming that our planet is unfortunately experiencing at this time.

Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Solar energy can be harnessed using photovoltaic systems that transform this energy into electricity. This is done through photovoltaic modules, which receive solar radiation and transform it into electrical energy through the so-called photovoltaic effect. It must be taken into account that sunlight is made up of energetic particles or photons that correspond to the different wavelengths of solar radiation. Photons are absorbed by a photovoltaic cell and energy is transferred from it to an electrical circuit in the form of electricity.

There are two types of photovoltaic installations: those that are isolated from the electricity grid (remote installations or in rural areas) and installations connected to the conventional electricity grid.

Detail of solar thermal energy

A conventional thermal power plant that produces electricity is based on the conversion of heat energy into electrical or thermoelectric energy. This energy harvesting works by using solar energy to produce steam or high temperature hot air. Thus, this energy source can be used in conventional power plants for the production of electricity.

Currently there are three types of solar thermal technologies: parabolic trough or linear collector plants, central receiver or tower plants and parabolic disk plants.

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