
definition of tramoya

In a figurative sense, a plot line is a clever and complex plot that has been designed to fool someone. Among theatergoers, the word tramoya is sometimes used as a synonym for theater.

It is common to observe this description in the field of politics or business, exposing concerns about certain maneuvers or approaches that do not have sufficient transparency.

If we attend a theatrical performance as spectators, we will be able to see a group of actors performing a performance on stage.

For the performance to be possible, it takes more than a few actors and a director, as it is necessary for someone to take care of everything related to the stage: the strings or motors that move the curtain, the different assemblies on the stage or the special effects that appear throughout the function.

The utensils that are behind the stage make up the stage and the person who is responsible for all this is the stage man. From a technical point of view, the two basic elements of the theatrical stage are the curtains and the curtains. One of the key spaces is the ceiling of the stage, which is the place where the stagehand performs his activity to control what happens on stage.

As for its origin, this word is the result of the fusion of two words: plot as a pile of threads and the suffix oya which means appearance.

The job of stagehand is on the way to extinction

Despite the fact that new technologies are replacing the activity of stagehands, it is undeniable that this work is essential for a theatrical work to become a success. It must be borne in mind that the theater is a live show and a small error by the stagehand can be a complete failure.

The stagehand's work depends on the set designer

The set designer is the one who designs all the elements that make up the different scenes of a play. This professional makes a montage in which different elements are combined: lights, sound effects, furniture, decorations, etc. The change of theatrical decoration was already carried out in ancient Greece through an artifact, the periact. In any case, the stage designed by a set designer needs a specialized worker to handle all the elements involved in the scene. That worker is precisely the stagehand.

In the world of scenography, there is a wide range of specialized terms, such as backstage, props, back stage, backstage, guindaleta or houndstooth. Regarding the modalities of theatrical scenarios, there are those of the Italian style, the Elizabethan ones, the arena style or the outdoor stages.

Photos: Fotolia - Andrea / Jr Casas

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