
definition of impenetrability

The word impenetrability is used in our language when we want to express that something is difficult to penetrate, or failing that, if it applies to someone, when it is difficult to be understood.

Something difficult to penetrate, to understand, or the person who is unable to express their feelings according to

Impenetrability is the quality of that which is impenetrable and, as we said, it can refer to something that cannot be penetrated, that is not possible to understand, or to a person incapable of demonstrating their feelings, emotions, ideas.

There are elements or things that, due to the material with which they are made, present an extreme hardness that precisely generates that it cannot be penetrated, for example drilling, making a hole would be able to penetrate it, such is the case of, for example, steel, or from a wall; It will take special tools, and of course the use of force to penetrate them, and in some cases it may even be impossible even making use of special resources.

For example, a surface that we want to pierce and resists it due to its conditions, we will say that it is characterized by its impenetrability.

Another example case, we want to achieve that a room is completely dark for a period, that is, that there is no entry, penetration of light, then, that impenetrability will be achieved from the provision of a curtain that covers the entire surface by the which enters the light into the room.

On the other hand, when, for example, a border turns out to be very difficult to be crossed by crime or by people in general, because it has a custody that is in charge of exhaustively controlling what happens, or those who want to pass, it will be possible to speak in terms of the impenetrability of said border.

Borders are usually extremely sensitive places in a territory precisely because they allow people to go from one nation to another, with what this implies, when it is done illegally, of course.

A person who, for example, is being sought by the justice, manages to cross a border and escape from the law because it has little security, or because those who are in his care are corrupted, it will be very serious for the security of that nation, not only because justice cannot be done with those who escape from it, but also because it will be possible to enter and remove any type of illegal elements or substances, opening the way to illegal traffic.

On the other hand, when a person turns out to be very closed in their way of behaving and then he does not allow people to approach him, that is, he does not interact or open to communication with others, he will be directly associated with impenetrability.

There are individuals who, due to various circumstances that they have to go through in life, may become little open to communication or interaction with those around them.

A betrayal, a deception, some psychic problem, are some of the reasons that can trigger a person to be impenetrable to interaction with others.

Of course, this trend will imply a serious problem for the social development of said person and it will be necessary to identify the cause and it can be treated through, for example, psychotherapy with a suitable professional.

Physical: resistance that a body presents when another wants to occupy its space

Already instances of physics, impenetrability designates the resistance exhibited by a given body when another wants to take its place at the same time, because basically no body can simultaneously occupy the same space as another.

In other words, as an individual I occupy a place in the universe, then, that same space cannot be occupied by any other person at the same time, but only by me.

As ordinary matter is made up of atoms that are linked to each other from electronic bonds, as electrons, by nature, they cannot occupy the same space as others at the same time, as we have already indicated.

The opposing concept is that of penetrability, which on the contrary implies the simple penetration of something.

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