
definition of historical review

A review is a text, usually brief, in which its author presents an argumentative description on a certain topic. These types of texts usually appear in newspapers or magazines and they address current affairs. If the review deals with an event that goes back to the past, it is logically a historical review.

Generally, in any historical review, reference is made to events that have occurred in the recent or remote past.

Usually the past is analyzed for some reason, such as the celebration of an anniversary or the memory of a significant event that is current again.

The concept of historical review must be understood in a broad and open way and, therefore, it can deal with any topic with some historical dimension (a scientific, pedagogical, social topic, etc.).

As it is a short text, it is not intended to go too deeply into a subject but to provide a general brushstroke so that the reader knows a reality. For the review to be of interest, it must incorporate two ingredients: objective information and an informed opinion.

Most historical reviews are based on a text, but sometimes visual formats are used (all kinds of reviews can be found on YouTube). Regarding their approach, some are based on the objective description of some facts, while others have an emotional and subjective approach.

Everything has a story

A bank, a commercial establishment, a soccer team or a political party have a past and, consequently, it is possible that it is known in its historical dimension (who were its founders, in what social context it appeared and for what purpose). In this sense, it can be said that it is feasible to make a historical review of any institution.

Knowing the origin and legacy of an entity is a way of understanding what it has meant over time.

It is common for many organizations that have a long tradition to disclose their trajectory with details about their foundation, some significant episodes or the most relevant people who have been part of them.

The historical review has a double value. On the one hand, with this type of text it is possible to approach certain areas that traditionally do not appear in conventional history treatises. On the other hand, these texts become auxiliary tools for historians.

Photos: Fotolia. cartoonresource / jonbilous

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